Thursday, October 9, 2008

I hate....

Other drivers!!!! So on my way to work I have to be very defensive through one particular stretch of road. As I come up Ironwood to the freeway there is usually about a 1/4 mile back up. It really only takes a couple minutes to get through but like a patient person I wait in the line and don't cut anyone off. So WHY is it that these degenerates want to fly past the entire line of waiting cars and cut in???? That seems mean, stupid, and not very safe to me. SO the past few weeks I've been tailgating the person in front of me so no one could cut in. But this morning some guy decided he would just stop everyone in his lane and WAIT for me to let him over. Little did he know that that was just NOT going to happen if I had anything to do with it. Everytime he got an inch closer I pulled up 2 inches. And so it went for about 2 minutes. FInally he starts honking flipping me off and cursing out his rolled down window. So me being me I turned up a very loud rap song kept doing what I was doing. He eventually got behind me (SCORE) and we proceeded to get on the freeway. Well he then got to the side of my car and kept screaming and flipping me off. What is wrong with these people. He didn't want to wait in line at all but he'll slow down on the freeway just to do some hand gesture. Seems ridiculous to me.

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