Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One more post about Frenchie!

He was the cutest sleeper ever. Although I think I woke Snapper up.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I loved him so much and my heart is still hurting. Wow this has been a sucky few weeks!

Monday, August 17, 2009

7 years ago....

I'm starting school today. That sounds so weird to say... After the past few weeks I'm glad to have something to do with time instead of dwelling on bad stuff. It got me thinking. It's been 7 years since I've been in school. Where did all the time ago. Back then I was driving around in a beat up chevy truck, working as a life guard, with the world at my fingertips. I thought I knew it all and I definitely thought I would have it made by the time I was 22. HAHAHAHA...I love it.

Well I may not "have it made" in some opinions but I'm pretty lucky. Looking back on it I was a mess. But i did have some great times and had some pretty amazing friends. I just wish I could go back and stay in school so I wouldn't be 25 worrying about it. But at least i'm not 30.

So wish me luck. I hope I do good.

On a complete side note: Steve French died. I'm crushed. I guess we have to have a vigil for him like we did for Taco....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

recent stuff.

I just read a quote that made sense. The first thing that has made sense to me in the past 5 days...It says "Now life will be a little less sweet and death a little less bitter." I like that. It completely encompasses what I've been feeling. I'm mostly sad and angry but at times I feel kinda blessed. I feel blessed because a lot of people around me have had much more harsh losses, much more real and raw emmotions that I can't imagine. I don't know if I could if I tried. I just feel stuck. I want to be happy but I'm not. I feel like I failed. I feel like I let my husband down. I just feel guilty. But I don't know why I feel like that. I didn't do anything. I couldn't have done anything differently. I need to just rest in my God and let him take it from here. Which is fine with me. I dont want to do anything anyways. HA!

Enough of that....recent news that isn't sad: I'm going back to school next week. EEEK. Very very nervous. I've completely changed majors and think accounting is not for me. I love it and all but I'm not passionate about it. Not even a bit. So I'll see where God takes me from here.

Well prayers would be great and some sort of closure would be better. We'll see if that happens EVER.

Here's a pic of us before at the game. Good times.