Wednesday, August 5, 2009

recent stuff.

I just read a quote that made sense. The first thing that has made sense to me in the past 5 days...It says "Now life will be a little less sweet and death a little less bitter." I like that. It completely encompasses what I've been feeling. I'm mostly sad and angry but at times I feel kinda blessed. I feel blessed because a lot of people around me have had much more harsh losses, much more real and raw emmotions that I can't imagine. I don't know if I could if I tried. I just feel stuck. I want to be happy but I'm not. I feel like I failed. I feel like I let my husband down. I just feel guilty. But I don't know why I feel like that. I didn't do anything. I couldn't have done anything differently. I need to just rest in my God and let him take it from here. Which is fine with me. I dont want to do anything anyways. HA!

Enough of that....recent news that isn't sad: I'm going back to school next week. EEEK. Very very nervous. I've completely changed majors and think accounting is not for me. I love it and all but I'm not passionate about it. Not even a bit. So I'll see where God takes me from here.

Well prayers would be great and some sort of closure would be better. We'll see if that happens EVER.

Here's a pic of us before at the game. Good times.


Crys said...

Honey I love you and I know you'll be okay. IT SUCKS! I've been there. Please know that me and Mike are praying for you daily.

Dee said...

So I talked to Matt this morning. I'm so sorry about everything and I'm so sorry about Steve French. THis is just not your year. I love you and I'm here if you need anything love.