Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The beginning stage of the hot pink revolution

Well, here it is...the first picture of the wedding room renovation....you may not be able to tell but this is the brightest pink I could find in the Disney paint section. It's so bright that in the afternoon if that door is open the ENTIRE hall way looks pink. It pretty much rocks. So today I will start my elaborate stenciling. thanks to my amazing husband I have some flowery stencils and even some butterflys. I think I may start with the lettering though. I'm writing the Song of Solomon 6:3 verse on the pink in pretty large letters. After all the stenciling it's time for the shelving and then my favorite part: decorating.....oh how I love being a girl!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

I miss my babies

Mantha, Mase, Braxton the THIRD (also known as Kiefer) and my little Ally Cat: I mis you more than the world and I wish I had you with me. Jeb and Holly: Please give up your kids and let me have custody. Thats pretty much the best thing you could do. They will listen to Nelly and talk about their bling. Mason can "smack that" anytime he wants. Mantha can love the "Jo Bros", Kief can sign for the rest of his life...and Ally can be an aunties girl....JUST CONSIDER IT. That's all I'm saying...

I need one of those potty training for toddler books

Okay so apparently I completly suck at dog training. Matt says Snapper is no longer mine because I don't train him. But I think I do. I definitely have a different method. I don't yell and scream when he does something bad I reward him for something good. So when Snapper decides to "do his business" in the house I clean it up and move on with my day. But if he's outside I give him a treat and brag him up. I think it's a perfectly acceptable way of raising him. And it's also so so so hard to get mad at him when he's as absolutely cute as he is. Just look at the picture and you'll agree. He's pretty much the cutest animal since Sparkles (RIP Sparkles) oh and Taco of course (RIP Taco as well). So is it really my fault that I can't yell and scream and that sweet innocent little face?? I never said I was Cesar Milan!! And who cares if Snapper thinks he's the pack leader. I think it's cute.

political views

Per my fathers urging I will give my views that are worth arguing about: I think Ross Perot should be president. I think gay marriage SHOULD be legal. I think our troops being in the middle east IS a good thing. I think we should drill for oil in Alaska. I do not care if I recycle my paper or plastic. (I know it's not good) I think "going green" is the latest new trend. I don't think it's a bad trend but it's a trend none the less. I also think a lot of young people like Obama because he too is trendy. Not all of them but a lot. I also think the movie Dumb and Dumber is the most horrible film ever ever ever created.

1st time blogging.

So I've started this blog to keep everyone up to date on Matt and I's super exciting life. Alright...it's not that exciting. But who cares?? Matt does not know I've created this and will probably make fun of me or post rude blogs about me being a geek. Just a warning.

So as of today we have one room completed. Our office now has wood flooring and all the furniture set up. I could not be more proud of Matt for doing it all himself. Now is my turn to turn our extra bedroom into "the wedding room". I plan on making it as girly as possible. I have a pink leather couch and am putting up shelving tomorrow. (complete with stenciled hearts and flowers). I plan on displaying all the tacky cat replicas and anything else frilly throughout the room. I can't wait.

So this is my first blog and I'll post more regularly so everyone can catch up on our lives.