Thursday, June 4, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

OH MY has this been a week!!! and it's only just begun. Well our super sweet "use-to-be- neighbor" moved in with us for the summer. She's a doll. She's 17 and totally helps out with everything. I adore her. Also I went to the Hot Dr. and got some super exciting news. Well at least I thought it was. But today he called and ripped those hopes out from under me. But it's still a good thing so I'm okay with it. Even though it does SUCK!

Tomorrow morning we are heading to the mud run in California. It's a 10k at Camp Penndleton. I did it last year and had a blast. Hopefully I can finish before Kerry this year. Since last year I was DUPED and thrown in the mud. I'm coming for her this year. HAHAHA...

After that were headed to Chico CA to see Jeb and Holly and Samantha and Mason and Keifer and Alyssa and the newest creature that's brewing.(whew) I'm so EXCITED. We're going to bring Mantha and Mase back with us for a couple weeks so that I get my baby time and they get some Aunt Lindsey time. I miss those kids so much it literally hurts sometimes. I can't wait to do crafts, make forts, and let mason pummel me. It should be fun.

So I'm off to pack and make sandwiches. YEAH FOR CALIFORNIA!!!!

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