Monday, December 22, 2008

Update on the quitting smoking.

So on November 1st I decided to quit smoking in the hopes of starting to try to pregnant in the coming months. I figured I should quit now and not have that hanging over my head. Well I stopped for near a month and then got a crazy idea I could just smoke ONE. Just one little cigarette couldn't hurt right?? WRONG!!! After the first one then it was just one more and then only after I ate and then just not at work. Well now it's back to full flegde smoking. I am SOOOO disappointed in myself. I really thought I could do it and not look back. I even took Chantix and wore a patch. So again I'm going to quit smoking on the 29th. I have no idea how to go about it this time. ANy advice from some ex smokers would be appreciated.

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