Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Randomness I deal with at work...

Well in case you didn't know my office is in South central phoenix. It's on a 3 acre lot that is also inhabited by quite a few elderly guatemalans, random dogs, at least 50 chickens and roosters, cats, horses and us 3 office workers. The owner is from guatemala and his family all lives on the property. It makes for some amazing food and ridiculous circumstances. This morning I was outside on the phone when a noticed one of the roosters had twine completely wrapped around both legs. The poor thing couldn't move. So me being the animal lover that I am spent 20 minutes trying to catch the little guy but to no avail. SO I recruited the boys in the office to help. Well 30 minutes and several scratches later we got him. Then in took 15 minutes to cut off all the twine. I never once in my life thought that is how I would spen a Wednesday morning at work. There is never a dull moment around here. I'm not sure if I love it or hate it.


Anonymous said...

I am completely addicted to reading about your ridiculous life. I especially love the way you word everything. I wish I could work with you and chase chickens all day. At least you weren't wearing stilletos.

Anonymous said...

Linds can i please have a job with you. I handed out prescription drugs all morning to old people. Love you SO much!

Anonymous said...

My dear sweet Lind! I have read your blog all the way through today and I have a couple question: Why is there no reference to your milk habits? Why do you not mention your nick name in Highschool was Pork Chop? and Why do you not talk about your uncanny ability to make animals nuts. Just wondering. Maybe you should do a sectin on things people don't know about you.